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LINK to my NEW promo video:

I also have my entrance video bellow for your viewing entertainment.-mekai



This is usualy wur i would the venue addy...since i'm not working any colorado shows..the next will be in NC.
JUNE 30TH.....The gothiX vs.........?.....


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The Order Of Dagon:

The order of dagon has been around for century's and The Vampire Gabrial Mekai  has been a member since day ONE!! join our quest to superiorority.

Dagon in Biblical texts and commentaries

In the Tanakh, Dagon is particularly the god of the Philistines with temples at Beth-dagon in the tribe of Asher (Joshua 19.27), in Gaza (Judges 16.23, which tells soon after how the temple is destroyed by Samson as his last act). Another temple was in Ashdod (1 Samuel 5.2–7, 1 Maccabees 10.83;11.4). There was also a second place known as Beth-Dagon in the Judah (Joshua 15.41). Josephus (Antiquities 12.8.1; War 1.2.3) mentions a place named Dagon above Jericho. Jerome mentions Caferdago between Diospolis and Jamnia. There is also a modern Beit Dejan south-east of Nablus. Some of these names may have to do with grain rather than the god.

The account in 1 Samuel 5.2–7 relates how the ark of Yahweh is captured by the Philistines and taken to Dagon's temple in Ashdod. The following morning they found the image of Dagon lying prostrate before the ark. They set the image upright, but again on the morning of the following day they found it prostrate before the ark, but this time with head and hands severed, lying on the miptān translated as "threshold" or "podium". The account continues with the puzzling words raq dāgôn nišʾar ʿālāyw, which means literally "only Dagon was left to him." (The Septuagint, Peshitta, and Targums render "Dagon" here as "trunk of Dagon" or "body of Dagon", presumably referring to the lower part of his image.) Thereafter we are told that neither the priests or anyone ever steps on the miptān of Dagon in Ashdod "unto this day".


''Question's from the coffin Ask's........''

The Seraphim Angel Mekai Dajha
It hurts to be this great!

What color outfitt would you like Gabrial Mekai and Gunner james to wear next?

All Black W/? colors?
White w/Blood hand prints.
Company logo outfitts (YOU SELLOUT!!)

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Should Gabrial Mekai and Gunner james go for tag-team championship gold? or go for broken bones? both make me happy!!

For years Brother Gabrial Mekai has wrestled to cripple his enemy's! should i focuss on championship's?
YES!! Go for wrestling championship title's.
NO!! Dont Go for wrestling championship title's.
YES!! Go for the broken bones!! make them all suffer!!
NO!! Dont Go for the broken bones!! WHY?make them all suffer!!

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The Country of Jordon Flag:



Information on ''JORDON'':


''Seraphim'': ''Brother''Gabrial Mekai


by Micha F. Lindemans
Divine creatures from the Old Testament, associated with the Cherubim, and later taken to be angels. The root of Seraphim comes either from the Hebrew verb saraph ('to burn',or born from a human woman and fathered by an Angel ) or the Hebrew noun saraph (a fiery, flying serpent). Because the term appears several times with reference to the serpents encountered in the wilderness (Num. 21.8, Deut. 8.15; Isa. 14.29; 30.6), it has often been understood to refer to "fiery serpents." From this it has also often been proposed that the seraphim were serpentine in form and in some sense "fiery" creatures or associated with fire.

It is said that whoever lays eyes on a Seraph, he would instantly be incinerated due to the immense brightness of the Seraph. They are described as short, with six wings,with markings of the beast on  there bodies(Tattoos),Dark Black hair. One pair of wings are for flying, one for covering their eyes (for even they may not look directly at God), and one for covering their feet (which is almost certainly a euphemism for genitalia). They are in the direct presence of God.

In Isaiah's call-vision in the Temple, he sees Seraphim surrounding the throne of God, singing praise to God; the "Thrice Holy" hymn (ch 6). In this instance they are angelic beings but in the Book of Numbers, seraph-snakes are sent to punish the Israelites.

Some of the Seraphim are Metatron, Kemuel, Nathanael, Gabrial, and Lucifer, And Mekai Dajha ( Son of Gabrial).

- 605 BC: Appeared to a man called Daniel to whom he showed some mysteries and taught the art of dreams interpretation. This was long long time before Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. From that moment, dreams became as a "official" communication gateway (X-400 ?) between men and divinities.

- 460 BC: In the Talmud, Gabriel prevented Queen Vashti from stripping nude before King Ahasuerus of Persia and his court. Not because the Angel is a bigot or prude, but to help Esther to be elected in her place. I think that it was also to prevent the King from having a heart attack, as Vashti had a beautiful body...

- ?? BC: According to a jewish legend, Gabriel has been fired from his position as God's messenger Who hired Dobiel to replace him. But after a couple of hunderd years, God and Gabriel came together again and Dobiel was given a new assignment, to raise Gabriel's son,Mekai.

- 1 BC: Announciation of pregnancy to a young virgin called Mary in a remote village of Israel. The consequences of his apparition are still measurable today. Gabriel didn't talk very much. He just said (according to the Scriptures) "Hail Mary full of Grace, you are blessed among womens.." And vanished.

- 610-632 AD: Dictation of 114 sourates to Muhammad. A remake, in the same neighborhood, but this time Gabriel is definitively more open to talk. His previous words, as the record shows, were brief. But with Muhammad, he was more eloquent, dictating to him during 22 years 114 sourates which, assembled in the Koran, are still the most read book, after the Bible.. Muhammad described Gabriel as having 140 wings and having a Son.....''Mekai''.

- 1900 ? AD: Gabriel appeared to George Rapp, who decided, right after the meeting, to create the Adventists of the Latter Days. However, the fifth of his appearances on Earth didn't had the same consequences as the previous ones. But, at least, before leaving, he left a trace of his footprint in the concrete.

Gabrial,angel of high eminence in jewish,christian,and muslim tradition.
he is one of the four most noted archangels in judaism and christianity,the others being michael,raphael and uriel.
Gabrial is the heavenly messenger who appears in order to reveal God's will. in the old testament, Gabrial interprets the prophet's vision of the ram and the he-goat.and explains the prediction of 70 weeks of year( or 490 years) for the duration of the exile from jerusalem. In the new testament, he announces to zacharias the birth of zacharias son.who is destined to become known as john the baptist, and to mary that she is to be mother of jesus christ.
Among muslims,gabrial is believed to be the spirit who revealed the sacred writing's to the prophet Muhammad.
Gabrial is the prince of fire and the spirit who presides over thunder and the ripening of fruits. he is an accomplished linguist,having tought joseph the 70 languages spoken at babel. In art he is generaly represented carrying either a lily,Mary's flower,at the annunciation,or the trumpet he will blow to announce the second coming.

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come out come out where ever you are?

The month of November is very strong for mekai!

november the 4th- SEWA pro wrestling.

november the 28th- CREWrestling.

month full of mayhem for the gothic priest!!!!!......mekai



todays thought's!!!

I now sitt all alone in the dark thinking of my life and the evil actions that i have done. I now look in the mirror of the face of the person who just did the unthinkable....(it wasn't my fault) i cry the last tear that my body will let me....I now look at the pool of my anger....it's so RED!! and TRY to clean away my mistake...I now feel the mistake that my ignorance has JUST inflicted!!!!! WHY DID I DO IT!!!??,why did i do it!!!!! I now look at th.......NO!!!! I now READ my fare well letter to all my friends....I now read my farewell letter to all my enemy's!!!!! Was it all worth the trouble??? WAS IT!!!! I'm Sorry!!!!!! -mekai




A beloved friend who passed away too soon. she was named ''mejai''a dear close lover.her legacy will never be tarnished and I ''Vampire Gabrial Mekai '' will not allow that. I will allways have her in my precious thoughts.My memmories of the times we spent walking together in the city of gammora were special,her smile caused me to not mis the misery he inflicted.  May Christian have mercy on your remains my love.-Vampire Mekai


''Brother'' Mekai Dajha


*All logo's and banners are courticy of the Ryzin-star Rob Ryzin.*